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Support over 100 Children attend pre-school in Africa

Poverty and unemployment is at an all time high in South Africa, education will tackle this if we help provide quality teaching from day one.

A Gift to this project is life-changing. Our school is the heart of a local township in South Africa and acknowledges that the child’s first six years are critical for the development of the brain, language, and their physical, social and emotional growth. Our project ensures children will have a sense of belonging and they will take pride in being apart of our program and demonstrate care, compassion and mutual respect towards themselves and each other. Our teachers are changing lives.

South Africa is a country with high inequality rates and lack of access to quality education for thousands. We understand that education is key and by supporting children in their most critical years of learning, we hope to break the cycle of poverty by providing them opportunities and the basics to continue studying in higher education and eventually earn an income. A gift to this project will allow us to improve facilities, fund quality educational resources and provide an income to the teachers who work tirelessly to make it all happen.

The South African Education System is failing and there is no light in the near future. Many schools across South Africa still do not have access to electricity and the local government predict it will take a minimum of 14 years for them to tackle this issue. Students often walk to school for over 1 hour each way and classrooms are overcrowded, un-safe, poorly resourced and do not provide an adequate education to train future minds to tackle the global issues. The system is failing.

Our local school is registered as a non-profit and provides children with a safe and nurturing education full of rich opportunities to learn. We provide a diverse, multicultural and non-discriminating approach, where differing needs, cultures and abilities are respected and valued within inclusive learning environments. Accessing different funding opportunities and gifts from our supporters we are able to provide early childhood development lessons at the school to inspire young minds early.

Working with the community and providing access to learning at an early age we active the brains on young people giving them the inspiration and motivational drive to learn more and become aware of the global issues and how they can work to build awareness and help eliminate the issues within their community. Ultimately we hope to encourage these young children to continue with school until higher education as they will now have a good educational foundation in early years.

This project has not yet posted any reports.

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