conservation action change charity

Saving the Rainforest: Protect Jaguars and Wildlife

Help us track and monitor jaguars and change to the rainforest to influence change to protect them

Costa Rica is proving critical habitats to some of the world’s most endangered wildlife species. We know that over 25% of the country is covered with forest and jungle and provides protection to a wide range of species whose habitat is fast disappearing from across the world. Even today we do still not understand many of these animals and time is running out for many of them. A gift to this project helps our projects around Costa Rica continue to run life changing research for the Jaguars.

The Rainforest and all wildlife that live there are in danger. FACT if we do not act now then our Earth will never recover and never be the same again. We are responsible we are killing our planet and it is a problem that needs action today, not tomorrow. This project works to help mainly protect the big cats of the rainforest but we also support research, rehab and protection of all wildlife found in the Costa Rican Jungle. This project is 100% funded by the public.

Jaguars are a threatened species along with much other amazing wildlife that lives in the Costa Rican rainforest. Today we still are unaware of these animals and this is very dangerous as they are heading for extinction. It is important for this project to tackle this issue through two projects running simultaneously and that is why we support our team of researchers out daily collecting critical data as well as our education team working in the community to build awareness and engagement.

We have seen through research we better understand the critical nature of the habitat to turtles, jaguars and other species listed as endangered or critically vulnerable in the red list of IUCN. There is still much we don’t understand so our research is becoming more critical to help protect and save all these incredible species. Alongside our research, we work with our environmental education team that is committed to running outreach activities to engage the community in the issues we face.

Through research and education, we can help promote these amazing animals to the locals and help them take ownership in ensuring they are protected. This will not only impact our environment but will also create local income through regular tourism to visit these animals.

This project has not yet posted any reports.

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