Sponsor Children to attend School in Zimbabwe

There are currently 750 000 orphans living in Zimbabwe without identification. Something as simple as a birth certificate isn’t always so easy to attain, especially in Africa where children are often born at home, far away from hospitals or near to government services to register the birth. This affects all aspects of the childrens lives as you need a birth certificate to access most aspects of basic human services, leaving children to be neglected and stuck in a cycle of poverty. Our goal is to provide identification to at-risk children and orphans.

$10 will fund a child getting their birth registered so they can access schools and healthcare in their community

According to UNICEF, there are 1,4 million orphans in Zimbabwe alone, and 52% of them are without identification. Many orphans and other underprivileged children face several difficulties which are often closely associated with the lack of birth certificates, a document which is a necessity to get access to services including school. Therefore, many children who were born at home, or have parents who passed away, it becomes difficult, if not impossible to get access to government services.

Imagine not having access to education, healthcare or any basic services just because you don’t have a birth certificate. A seemingly avoidable problem but unfortunately it is an issue that is rife in Zimbabwe, particularly amongst the rural communities and orphans. A number of factors contribute to this issue and the result is that children cannot study further due to lack of education, preventing them from gaining employment and breaking the cycle of poverty.

By providing children without the means to the opportunity to get their birth certificate, we not only give them a sense of identity but are tackling one of the root causes to lack of quality education, SDG 4. Working with local partners, we identify children who lack birth certificates as well as the means to obtain it independently and provide all the necessary costs to allow the child and witnesses to get their papers. Many people are unaware this issue exists which is why this is so necessary

To simply fund a child’ education or provide resources to educate them is great in the short term but does not tackle the root cause which is hindering children who cannot even become part of the already poor welfare system that exists. This project will not only provide children with an identity but also give them the opportunity to attend schools, access healthcare and apply for university, making them active contributors to society and the economy as well as educating others around them

This project has not yet posted any reports.

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