Access to Education for Women and Girls in India

Helping women access education to resolve the gender gap across India

Although India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, that is not the case for a large portion of the population, who are being left behind with high youth unemployment, poverty, poor infrastructure, and a lack of access to quality education. Women are traditionally still left behind in India and the gender gap is of a huge concern.

Working with existing NGO’s and organisations on the ground, we aim to empower communities by providing relevant training in life-skill development, vocational training, including training in IT literacy, access to sports activities, and an improved learning environment.

Many complex issues still persist in India surrounding gender equality and equal access to quality education for different sectors of society. Women, young people, rural students and those with special educational needs face various different challenges when it comes to accessing employment and vocational training that could lead to a sustainable livelihood. This inequality is keeping parts of the country in extreme poverty and we aim to break this cycle.

Many families in India are stuck in the cycle of poverty. In 2010 Indian Parliament passed an Act to provide free compulsory education for all but today girls are still forced to drop out at a young age to help at home. This project is investing in training women to help find work as well as enhancing education, for students, to build a skilled community that are equipped to fight the cycle of poverty.

Our programmes support, empower and increase employment opportunities for women, students, and marginalised people in India. We do this by promoting and supporting gender equality initiatives, improving dynamic learning and teaching environments, and providing support to local educational institutions so that they can provide better and more equal access to quality education and vocational training.

We aim to leave our partners with the skills, resources & confidence they need to continue working towards their own goals & objectives for development. Supporting women, students & young adults in developing their own resources for life skills development, seeking & securing employment, increasing their emotional & physical well-being, we hope to empower future generations. Placing our focus on training over funding, we can equip communities with the tools they need to create lasting change.

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