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Primary School Scholarships in Africa

Funding Children aged 4 – 18 to be able to attend school and get an education in Africa.

Being born into extreme poverty in an African township brings many challenges for a child to break the cycle. Over populated schools, high drop out rates and poor education is a huge issue. Our scholarship program works in hard to reach townships and supports children from age 4 to 18 in getting an education and equipping them to break the poverty cycle. A scholarship funds school fees, transport to school, stationery and equipment needed as well as a uniform so they feel apart of a school and maximise their learning to empower future change.

Education in Africa is not available to everyone as government schools are over run with students numbers they turn people away. The system is broken and with corrupt governments nothing nothing is happening fast, we are working with community members directly to build small independent schools in hard to reach townships and communities and bringing access to better education across many townships.

This project answers a significant area of concern in our community where large numbers of children are not attending a nursery or school and spend days on the streets. These children are extremely vulnerable to being exploited and abused by others as well as the physical dangers of being on the streets unsupervised. Neglect in the early years of a child’s life is often the start of a downward spiral into a number of social issues such as unemployment, substance abuse and criminality. We need more pre-schools, primary schools and secondary education establishments in the heart of these communities.

The primary goal of our project is to get children off the streets and into a positive, motivating environment while providing a foundation of learning and physical development that will stand these children in good stead for future success at school and in life in general. This includes funding a under 5 year old that is currently on the streets to go to our pre-school or for other children to attend our privately funded primary school in the heart of their community.

This community is fighting poverty, hunger, crime and so many more issues with so little help. We have to start somewhere and by building educational facilities in the community for the community children will help motivate, inspire change. Providing education to help the next generation to break the traditions they face while engaging parents and other community members to access their community school and spaces.

This project has not yet posted any reports.

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