education action change charity

Up-skilling Youth for Independence

Working with local partners we strive to provide skills for youth such as carpentry, sewing,cosmetics and fish farming. Through this program students will receive a certificate and have gained knowledge life skills.

As a result of high unemployment and low GDP, Africa’s youth lack opportunities and hope for the future. Consequently, many turn to drug abuse, prostitution, child marriages and gang violence for relief and financial opportunities. By offering apprenticeships to people in need, coupled with the life skills needed to survive in the workforce, youth are given the skills and hope needed to support their families and become independent from foreign donations.

With high unemployment rates and low foreign trade, people in Africa are heavily reliant on practical skills for the informal economy. Thus, without the practical skills, youth are struggling to find employment, open a business and have the financial ability to go to university. Without such opportunities, African youth are at risk of drug abuse, prostitution, child marriages and joining gangs. This in turn has a negative effect on families and the communities as a whole.

GVI Trust partners with local NGOs to identify committed and driven youth to start an apprenticeship. Together we provide practice skills connected to a trade including carpentry, sewing, cosmetics and fish farming. In addition to go through a credited program and receiving the certificate, students are required to participate in life skills training. Life skills sessions focus on skills such as entrepreneurship; finances; gender based violence; and sustainability to ensure a holistic project.

By assisting youth in need, GVI Trust are offering people an opportunity to break the circle of poverty and independently pay for education, healthcare and renewable electricity. In addition, the products and services learnt and produced through the apprenticeship will be sold and reinvested into the community to ensure a sustainable growth for partnering NGOs to become independent. This will increase ownership of local issues and sustainable solutions.

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