Fund Our New English School Building in Laos

Laos is a small landlocked country in South East Asia. Unfortunately, after the secret war in Laos, the country never fully managed to get back on its feet. And the remnants of this war could not be more prominent than in Xiengkhouang. Living in Meuang Kham, you can still hear bombs being detonated every day.

In Laos, it’s hard for students who want to have options outside the subsistence farming lifestyle if they do not have a proper education, which includes a basic understanding of the English language. Teachers at the universities, doctors in the hospitals, and mechanics in the big cities need to use English to communicate with foreign partners, patients, and customers.

We believe that the key to development comes from education and economic opportunity. We hope that by providing a safe and effective environment for these students to learn, we can help create a better future for our children.


A gift to this project takes us one step closer to our goal to build a sustainable english educational centre in a very neglected rural farming community in Laos. English is such an important asset for Lao students because the major industries require international cooperation. This farming community education is simply not available and therefore your gift will provide a space space for the community to learn and they really want this as they want to better their future

After the secret war in Laos, the country never fully managed to get back on its feet. And the remnants of this war could not be more prominent than in Xiengkhouang. Living in Meuang Kham, you can still hear bombs being detonated every day as they continue to work to clear the unexploded ordinances from the rice fields where families still live, work, and let their children play. And unfortunately, it’s hard for students who want to have options outside the subsistence farming life

Tackling the issue of access to education we are building an english education centre that will open with your support in October 2022 and offer 3 classrooms. We will provide English teaching to those community members that are in need to do something to tackle their future. English is critical skill for the community as it is an essential requirement of any job in the big cities. Even to be a mechanic you must have a high english score to be recruited.

Once we open we plan to open a scholarship for college/university in Laos. Preferably having and equal number of male and female students. We will apply for an MOU with the government that will allow us to do other workshops free for the community such as computer skills, WASH, First Aid, and basic business workshops. Longer term we will have an exchange or internship program for students from the US to come and get experience as EFL teachers and learn more about life in Laos.

This project has not yet posted any reports.

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