Upskill a Community to Fight Poverty in Costa Rica

Working with the local educational institutions to improve the resources available to the local community students.

We provide educational resources for local students and families. We also facilitate an inclusive, non-profit, bilingual, sustainable preschool program called โ€˜Only Loveโ€™ and support a non-profit, bilingual, sustainable school called โ€˜Futuro Verdeโ€™.

Mal Pais and Santa Teresa are some of the fastest growing areas for tourism in Costa Rica. This creates a massive need for bilingual and sustainable education. The towns are growing fast and the population is swelling beyond the capacity of local schools. This makes placement at schools limited and the need for education reinforcement and options necessary.

We will assist local students and families with resources, scholarships and financial aid through our bilingual preschool program โ€˜Only Loveโ€™ and bilingual education from 1-12th grade at โ€˜Futuro Verdeโ€™. We will also host service projects and promote sustainability.

The project will improve the economic and social situation of the local community through increased levels of education and access to the tourist trade. With the longer term aim of the community assisting the program without the need of outside donations.

This project has not yet posted any reports.