Recycling and Plastic Management

Education is one of the most powerful tools in creating a sustainable future for the environment and mankind. The Earth is drowning in this non-biodegradable material, which initially was created as a solution to maintain the availability of natural resources on earth, and desperately needs our help. The transition to a plastic free lifestyle has never been so crucial, especially now that micro plastics have been discovered in the food we eat and recently in human blood.

The Impact of the Epidemic has had on single use plastic

The epidemic has had a huge impact on recycling and plastic management. Millions of masks and gloves are being discarded on a daily basis, building onto this never ending heap of waste. Across Asia people are forced to work in suffocating areas and factories to tackle this growing issue. Single use plastics are adding to greenhouse gas and other emissions. Some areas in Africa, 411 million masks are being discarded day in and day out. These developing countries with weak regulations around dumping waste are in dire need of its citizens to be enlightened and educated on recycling and plastic waste management.

Action Change is providing and implementing recycling stations

Hard to reach and rural areas battle with proper infrastructure, making disposal of waste even more challenging and daunting. By educating these local communities and providing recycling stations, recycling and plastic management will become a new way of life. 

Not only will developing countries benefit from recycling stations but those in developed countries too. America generates 34.5m tons of plastic waste each year of which in 2018, the US sent 83,000 tons of plastic recycling to Vietnam. Campaigns in Turkey have been organized to stop the flood of foreign recycling plastics. Developed countries often transport recyclable waste to developing countries as sorting costs are less expensive than doing so in the place of origin, leading to plastic fueling a global business rather than fueling the journey to a healthy environment.   

We can create a cleaner and more sustainable future by providing recycling stations and workshops across the globe. Through education and building ambassadors we can continue paying it forward and  working towards the sustainable development goals.

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