At the end of 2014, Santhom Colony was identified as an area in need of assistance. It was decided, after a lot of research, needs assessment and community consultation that construction would go ahead in 2015 in “Section A” of Santhom Colony. This section of the colony suffers from regular flooding when the monsoon seasons hit, and most of the houses here have not been capable of withstanding the seasonal monsoon weather.
During the initial survey, this house in particular was marked as being the 14th needing to be rebuilt due to the needs of the occupants, Sharida and her family. Sharida, is a widowed government worker. She has a niece and daughter, as well as grandchildren who live with her.
Pulling down the old house to make way for the new.
Her new home was built on the same footprint as her previous house, which was pulled down. The new building, which is built on a raised foundation, will ensure that Sharida will not be effect by the coming years monsoon weather and keep her and her family safe from any flooding. Her family members will all be much more comfortable and secure now and Sharida can focus her energy and resources and more important things, like food and education, and not on how to keep dry!
When we visited her finished home earlier this month, her niece, Anisha, was using the large clean space to produce artwork to sell. That’s what we like to see!