Community Development in Costa Rica

Our community development project is located in the coastal community of “El Cocal”, a semi illegal settlement on a peninsula off the coast.


There are no sidewalks suitable for the people when they are walking through the community. This becomes a pronounced issue during the rainy season when the roads flood and huge puddles form. So, part of the money that was requested was donated to collaborate on the costs of fuel for the cars that are helping put the sand bags on the road to stop flooding and help with the areas designed to the sidewalks.

Floor in the community centre

The community centre where we carry out the lessons for children and English classes for adults was in need of a suitable floor. The existing floor was not solid and it generated a lot of mess and dust and posed a health and safety threat for the people who come to the centre. So, we donated funds to help pay for the workmanship of the new ceramic floor installation, as well as cement to glue it.

We have also donated funds for electricity costs, potable water services and a new section of roof.

US$15 for electricity

US$142 for fuel and transportation

US$81 for roofing

US$259 for labour to install the floor.

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