International Literacy Day

By definition, literacy: is the ability to read and write. And being able to read and write is the freedom to learn independently. What an undervalued skill in today’s day and age. At least for the masses. Most of us were taught this shortly after walking. But for those living in impoverished societies, this is a true privilege because books and other tools taken for granted by most are not easily accessible in these neglected parts of the world.

Literacy is essential to eliminating poverty, population control, gender equality, and lowering child mortality. According to United Nations, globally, at least 773 million adults cannot read or write. While 617 million children and adolescents are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. And as quoted by The Free Press Journal “Literacy is considered a necessity for social and personal development. It improves the economy, promotes gender equality, and builds self-esteem. This global issue must be invested in now for a better tomorrow.

Imagine going into a restaurant without the ability to read the menu, looking at a road sign without knowing what it says, or being asked to spell your name yet you’re unable. Helping the world achieve global literacy will build a stronger workforce and cohesive population while  allowing hundreds of millions to aquire a better quality of life for the future.

At Action Change we want to make this years International Literacy Day one to remember as a corporate or individual you can support us by a simple donation to fund a book for one of our underprivileged schools in Africa. Today is also a good day for companies that still do not have a CSR strategy in place, donating to a project that helps children to read not only will strengthen your brand and show your customers that you are engaged with philanthropy but also it is a very worthy investment as these children are your future employees.

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