Providing Opportunities to Women in Ghana
To provide a safe and welcoming space to local women to come and learn new skills and gain support to access employment through CV support and employment workshops.
Tackling Education Inequality in Nepal
Providing resources and support to local community members to empower them to tackle issues locally.
Funding a Community Learning Centre in Mexico
Providing support, resources and education to children in the community.
Providing Safe and Clean Water in Peru
Increase in tourism has put high demand on the local water supply in Peru. Working in partnership we aim to conserve and protect the natural sources within Peru.
Feed a Hungry Child in Brazil Today
To increase education we must provide a healthy meal to keep the children engaged and brain active as well as ensure vital resources are available to enhance the education and learning.
Upskill a Community to Fight Poverty in Costa Rica
Working with the local educational institutions to improve the resources available to the local community students.
Upskill a Community to Fight Poverty in Costa Rica Read More »
Help Feed 250 Hungry Children in Kenya
Providing a health meal at the local school allows students to become focused and engaged with their education. This project also improves the education provided through resources and infrastructure.