
Alternative ways to donate to Action Change


Where does your money go?

We are 100% transparent in the way that we manage your donations.

It is our promise to all our supporters to ensure all funds donated are used in the correct way and on sustainable projects only. Our team is passionate and committed to our mission and we thank you for your generous support.

We run over 50 different projects that allow you to choose where your donations are spent and in which country or if you can’t choose you can simply donate to the Trust and we promise to use your donation where the need is greatest across all our projects.

You can also donate on GlobalGiving and JustGiving. Giving on these platforms will incur additional processing charges.
Donors from the USA who would like to claim a tax deduction on their donation should donate via GlobalGiving, which is a 501(c)3 organisation.

Please get in touch if you would like more information about donation options.​

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Here are some frequently asked questions

Did you know that we can claim an extra 25% from the UK government on all of your donations? So if you donated £100 and add Gift Aid, it means that you are actually donating £125 to The GVI Trust! This is at absolutely no extra cost to you and you don’t have to do anything other than declaring that you would like to add Gift Aid to your donation.

The only requirements are that you need to be a registered tax payer in the UK, tell us you want to add Gift Aid to your donation, provide us with some basic details and then we’ll do the rest.

By declaring that you would like to add Gift Aid to your donation does not commit you to anything or place any expectations on you to do anything, it simply allows us to collect an additional 25% back from the UK government.

Please note that your Gift Aid donation will be allocated to our unrestricted funding.

The only information that we will need to get from you is
your first name or initials
last name
full home address and your postcode.

When you make your donation, you will check the box indicating that you’d like to add Gift Aid. This is your declaration that, as an individual taxpayer, you would like us, The GVI Trust, to claim the tax paid on your donation back from the government.

Yes! Anyone from the UK who is a registered taxpayer can add Gift Aid to their donation.

All you have to do is make sure that everyone who sponsors you leaves all of the relevant details on your sponsorship form, if you’re fundraising offline, or when they make a donation online on JustGiving. The details that they will need to leave are the first name or initial, last name, full home address and postcode.

Make sure you check everyone’s details are correct and complete- we can’t claim Gift Aid if we don’t have all of these details!

If you need a sponsorship form, you can download it here.

If you are travelling to the project on a GVI- Volunteer Abroad trip, ask your Country Expert to put you in touch with one of the field staff. They will be able to give you a better idea of what would be useful and practical to take with you.

There are a few things you should take into consideration when giving a physical donation.

Would it be a better approach to donate money so that it can be spent in-country, therefore helping support local business?
Is the thing that you would like to donate going to help create a long-lasting, sustainable difference?
Is your physical donation going to help the recipients achieve independence in some way or will your donation make them reliant on handouts?

If you have found out what the needs in the country are from GVI Country Expert and you are certain that your donation will be beneficial, and you are willing to cover all of the postage and customs costs, you are welcome to donate physical goods!

Yes, of course!

When you make your donation you can select which project you would like your donation to be allocated to. When you select a specific project, you can rest assured that your donation will be used on that project.

We would like to encourage all of our donors to allow us to use your donations where the needs are the greatest. This means that we are able to use your donations on any of the projects that we support. The benefit of this is that we can complete bigger, long-term projects and we can access money in a time of crisis.

It is our commitment to you that we will only do this if you have given us permission to do so. If you are happy to do this, you can check the box when you make your donation.

You can post all cheques to the following address:

1 Emperor Way
Exeter Business Park
Exeter, EX1 1UG

All direct deposits can be made into the following account. Please leave your name as a reference for us so that we can direct your donation to the correct place.

If you would like to receive a donation receipt for your donation, please email us on info@gvi.org with your details.


Account name : ACTION CHANGE   
Account type: Business current 
Account number: 10444289 
Bank name: Natwest

IBAN: GB22NWBK60026310444289 

Bank address 
Black Lion House 
45 Whitechapel Road 
E1 1DU 

You can sign up to our newsletters to get updates about everything that we are up to.

If you would like to find more specific news about a particular project, the best idea is to find the project that you donated to over on Our Projects page and follow the link to the project news archive.

No, you can’t fundraise via The GVI Trust to cover your volunteer fees. The reason why we don’t allow GVI volunteers to fundraise through The GVI Trust is because it does not fall under our trust deeds to cover any expenses related directly to volunteers and volunteer expenses.

If you do need to raise additional funds so that you can participate in a GVI trip you can fundraise in your private capacity. Ask your GVI Country Expert to send you information about your options, or take a look here at information related to volunteer fundraising.